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加载中... 尤利 类型: 剧情片 导演:伊西亚尔·博利亚因 主演:卡洛斯·阿科斯塔、SantiagoAlfonso、KeyvinMartínez、EdlisonManuelOlberaNú?ez、LauraDelaUz、YerlínPérez、MarioElias、AndreaDoimeadiós 更新:2024-03-16 12:44 

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Yuli is the nickname given to Carlos Acosta by his father, Pedro, who considers him the son of Ogun, an African god and a fighter. As a child Yuli avoids discipline and education, learning from the streets of an impoverished and abandoned Havana. His father, however, has other ideas, and knowing that his son has a natural talent for dance, sends him to the National Ballet School of Cuba. Despite his repeated escapes and initial poor behaviour, the boy is inevitably drawn to the world of dance, and begins to shape his legendary career from a young age, becoming the first black dancer to be cast in some of the most prestigious ballet roles, originally written for white dancers, in companies such as the Houston Ballet or the Royal Ballet in London.

请记住 《尤利》 快播电影网 观看地址:https://m.qqvod.com/movie/13633.html

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